Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

I am often asked why I am long I have been a I really think that it is healthy to be a vegetarian...don't you miss eating meat??

Well this is my answer to those questions. I have been a vegetarian for almost a year and a half...although I tried to be in high school and I really cut way back on eating meat. For me, I didn't make the decision because it was healthier. I made the decision because I didn't believe in eating another being. But I DO NOT judge what other people do. You won't see me giving someone a hard time about the choices that they make. I just found it personally difficult to make a meal out of another being. And now that I am learning and studying Buddhist theory...this rings true.

Mahatma Gandhi said "To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body."

Buddhists and Hindus and probably other religions that I am not yet aware of believe that no living creature is better than another and therefore one should not take the life of another.

I find being a vegetarian kind of peaceful. Although I am a pretty bad vegetarian. Most people who give up meat, tend to be quite healthy...developing eating habits that are organic and natural. I tend to eat a lot of cheese and bread, with a little wine thrown in there! Definitely do not get enough protein or I really need to work on that.

What I want people to know is that, for me, being a vegetarian is a very personal thing. I didn't do it because I regret having eaten meat for my whole life or because I judge others...just simply because of my beliefs right now, present day. And just in case anyone was wondering, I love animal crackers!