Thursday, January 22, 2009

On the cusp...

I happen to really believe in the art of Astrology and love it! No-I don't know if it is really real, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I happened to be reading a magazine at lunch today and read my horoscope for the year. Among many things, I am going to have struggles at work and in my love life this year (shocking!!)....but I am a Lioness (Leo), so it says that I will come out relatively unscathed! That's what it says anyway.

Technically, I am a Leo / Virgo cusp...not just a Leo. Which is even more fitting if you know anything about astrology or me :) You are a Leo / Virgo cusp if you were born between August 21st (my birthday) and August 28.

So here are some of my characteristics...I will let you decide if they match my personality or not!
-- Possess the fiery, energetic and aggresive traits inherent in Leo --

-- Possess the rational and meticulous traits inherent in Virgo --
-- Tend to be highly secretive --
-- Able to accurately determine the right time to do something --

-- Experts at the art of effect --

-- More discriminating than most individuals --

-- Less overtly sensual than most individuals --

-- Reluctant to allow others to share in personal feelings --

--Blend of introvert and extrovert--

--Combine practical, earthy qualities of Virgo with more intuition of Leos--

--Quietly work for productivity--

--Understand things in a very first expression--

I don't really know if this describes me to a tee...but it is interesting isn't it? Hey...can't be that bad, both Coco Chanel and Bill Clinton are Leo/Virgo Cusps!
Here is my horoscope for the day (very interesting):
Responsibilities at home may be weighing on your mind today and might interfere with other obligations. This might cause some inner conflict, but you have a personal life and it's important to take care of these responsibilities as well. Upsets in your circle of friends could distract you and stress you out today. Make the effort to balance it all, and you'll make it through the day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"I'm just crazed about Tiffany's!"

For those of you that know may know that my favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany's. While I would like to say that it because of the spectacular shiny items that come in the little blue boxes from that amazing store...this would, in fact, be untrue. Not that I don't love those items and will accept them from anyone who feels the undying need to give them to me!!!

No, my love for this movie comes from the leading lady, Audrey Hepburn. This was the first movie I ever saw her in and she was amazing. To me, it was like watching true talent on the screen. Ever since I first saw the has been, without a doubt, hands-down, favorite movie.

I watched it again this weekend. It is not just the typical romantic love story. Maybe that is why I love it so much. It is about a girl who struggles with her identity so much that she is almost willing to let go of the love that is staring her right in the face.

Here is the famous quote:
You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.

Of course, she comes to her senses!! As every girl should (but doesn't always--because life, afterall, isn't a movie) and runs after the man who she loves. Because all romance movies end with a Happily Ever After...especially where Audrey Hepburn and Tiffany's are concerned! comes highly, highly recommended! For anyone who lives here in AZ, I have it and I am willing to loan it out! If not this one...there are many, many other movies that star Audrey Hepburn and I think you will find her just as marvelous as I do!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Can't sleep....

This is what I have!!!

It is a noun, but more importantly it is the inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

As of 4:30 am this morning, I confirmed with myself that I do, in fact have insominia. After tossing and turning in my bed for 4.5 hours I realized that my eyes were wide open and I was not going back to sleep! Which did not conjure up good thoughts when thinking about how I would be so tired when my alarm went off or how I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open during my copious meetings today or how I would likely end up trying to hold my eye lids open with toothpicks as I drive home from work, because of course, my body will choose this time to get sleepy...when I am sitting in rush hour traffic!

You see, I have come to the conclusion that I am an insomniac, not from this one experience, oh no, but from several experiences! In fact, the night before I left Colorado after Christmas...I maybe got one hour of sleep. And within the last three nights...each night I have woken up right around 12:30 - 1:00 am and have struggled will falling back into a dream laden slumber! Instead I lay awake thinking about all of the things I should do, want to do, need to, the fact that I should just get up and read or maybe watch tv. I think about the new tattoo I am getting and about the blog that I am going to write when I do get it. I think about my to do list--the absolute worst thing to think about when you can't sleep because you keep adding things to it, but you are too lazy to actually get out of bed and write things down so if you actually do fall will forget everything you just thought of that you needed to do!!!! SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!

And of course...I was tossing and turning to the point that I infected Motley with my INSOMNIA!!! Poor baby...because he was dead asleep...pug snoring and all. And then he was wide awake, giving himself a bath and then getting water and then chewing his bone. Not good.

So you may ask, why doesn't this crazy girl just take some Tylenol PM and be done with it! Well for those of you that know me (which I think is all of you that are reading this rant) you will know that I am too many drugs already to be taking sleepy meds just willy-nilly!!! DAMNIT! Because I would!

So that's that...I think I might be a little irritable...does the whole "warm milk" thing really work???

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Top 45 Natural Highs....

1. Falling in love.

2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.

3. A hot shower.

4. No lines at the supermarket.

5. A special glance.

6. Getting mail.

7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.

8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.

9. Lying in bed, listening to the rain outside.

10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.

11. Chocolate milkshakes.

12. A bubble bath.

13. Giggling.

14. A good conversation.

15. The beach.

16. Finding a $20 bill in your coat from last winter.

17. Laughing at yourself.

18. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.

19. Running through sprinklers when it is really hot outside.

20. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.

21. Having someone tell you that you are beautiful.

22. Telling someone that they are beautiful.

23. Laughing at an inside joke.

24. Friends.

25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.

26. Waking up and realizing that you still have a few hours left to sleep.

27. Your first kiss (either your very first or your first with a new parter).

28. Making new friends or spending time with old ones

29. Playing with a new puppy.

30. Having someone play with your hair.

31. Sweet dreams.

32. Hot chocolate.

33. Road trips with friends.

34. Swinging on swings.

35. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.

36. Making homemade chocolate chip cookies.

37. Having someone make homemade chocolate chip cookies for you.

38. Holding hands with someone you care about.

39. Running into an old friend and realizing that som things (good or bad) never change.

40. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present.

41. Watching the sun rise.

42. Being able to get out of bed every morning.

43. Knowing that someone misses you.

44. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.

45. Knowing you have done the right thing, no matter what other people think.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I want to run a marathon this year....

2009 promises to be a good year right?? So in order to get off on the right foot...I have developed a list of things that I want to accomplish!!! I am trying not to be too much of an overachiever, because I will let myself down!
Here goes:
1) I want to go back to school...problem is which school?? Physicians Assistant? Fashion Design? Medical School? Interior Design? Hell, throw Law School in there for fun. All things that I would love to do, but can't pick one! HOW do you figure that out?

2) I want to start writing in my journal again. Plus Santa gave me some really beautiful leather journals that will hopefully inspire me! Maybe they will inspire me to write a book (that's not trying to overachieve at all is it?) Hmmmmmmm.............

3) I want to start painting more excuses! Find the inspiration, get the paint, prep the canvas and do it!
4) I want to run a marathon...I always have wanted to...and I never have done so. Instead, I am going to start small and start training for a 10k with Jill and work my way up!

5) I want to get my budget in order, pay off bills and get my finances straight! Enough said.

Well those are my top 5....if I can get those done, hopefully I will feel some sense of accomplishment right!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!