Thursday, January 22, 2009

On the cusp...

I happen to really believe in the art of Astrology and love it! No-I don't know if it is really real, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I happened to be reading a magazine at lunch today and read my horoscope for the year. Among many things, I am going to have struggles at work and in my love life this year (shocking!!)....but I am a Lioness (Leo), so it says that I will come out relatively unscathed! That's what it says anyway.

Technically, I am a Leo / Virgo cusp...not just a Leo. Which is even more fitting if you know anything about astrology or me :) You are a Leo / Virgo cusp if you were born between August 21st (my birthday) and August 28.

So here are some of my characteristics...I will let you decide if they match my personality or not!
-- Possess the fiery, energetic and aggresive traits inherent in Leo --

-- Possess the rational and meticulous traits inherent in Virgo --
-- Tend to be highly secretive --
-- Able to accurately determine the right time to do something --

-- Experts at the art of effect --

-- More discriminating than most individuals --

-- Less overtly sensual than most individuals --

-- Reluctant to allow others to share in personal feelings --

--Blend of introvert and extrovert--

--Combine practical, earthy qualities of Virgo with more intuition of Leos--

--Quietly work for productivity--

--Understand things in a very first expression--

I don't really know if this describes me to a tee...but it is interesting isn't it? Hey...can't be that bad, both Coco Chanel and Bill Clinton are Leo/Virgo Cusps!
Here is my horoscope for the day (very interesting):
Responsibilities at home may be weighing on your mind today and might interfere with other obligations. This might cause some inner conflict, but you have a personal life and it's important to take care of these responsibilities as well. Upsets in your circle of friends could distract you and stress you out today. Make the effort to balance it all, and you'll make it through the day.

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