Friday, February 20, 2009

My pet peeve...

...One of the things that drives me crazy the most is this...smokers who throw their cigarettes out their car windows. I understand that you don't want to have that smelliness in your car, but I don't want it polluting my world either! I saw someone do it on the way to work this morning and it just makes me want to scream! Really there is no excuse for this!...I mean it is considered trash right? If you wouldn't throw cans and garbage and other waste out your window, why do you think it is okay to throw cigarette butts out your window? It is your choice to smoke...and I am not here to preach or lecture on the virtues of not smoking, because, well, you would have to be living in a cave to not know how dangerous it is to smoke and if you make a calculated decision to light one up...that's on you. But for crying-out-loud, do you need to dirty up the streets with cigarette butts? I mean really...I can't even take Motley on a walk without him trying to get into the butts on the street! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE...which brings me to my next point. My good friend Ryan, who is smoker, says that if he throws his cigarette butts out the window it gives street cleaners something to do--keeps them employed. My answer to this is...if that were true, there would be no butts on the streets because they would all be getting cleaned up! That's a lame excuse to be lazy in my opinion (sorry Ry--but I told you this already) My other friend told me that they don't make ashtrays in cars this I say, that's not my problem!!! Keep your smoke and your butts to yourself and in your own car!!! Not that I think that me getting upset at this subject matters in the least...on the way home from work today, it is almost guaranteed that I will see someone do it again!!!